Independent Office for Sound Investment.

Partner for sensible investment and financial solutions
Since 2018, The Blue Finance has been providing comprehensive support to institutional and private investors in the organization and implementation of their investments. In doing so, we act as an uncompromisingly independent partner for our clients vis-à-vis banks, asset managers and other service providers. Because we are paid exclusively by our clients, we are not subject to any conflicts of interest - which still exist in the financial industry. With our holistic approach, we ensure that investment management is not carried out in isolation, but rather professionally in the specific context of the client (including obligations, pensions, financing, taxes).

We stand for practical results characterized by unconventional thinking, reason and honesty. The attitude for our work is always the same: solid as a rock, clear and fresh as mountain spring water.

Partner network for the highest requirements
In providing its services, The Blue Finance draws on a network of partners in the fields of financial planning (retirement planning), financing, tax, law and fiduciary services, all of whom meet the company's high ethical, professional and personal standards. 

Our Guiding Principles

The Blue Finance is different. We are «mission driven». The basis of our work is The Blue Stance. The Blue Stance stands for a sustainable attitude that, far from fashionable marketing campaigns, has the following three elements as its basis:

- Enlightenment [in thinking]
- Sense of responsibility [in action]
- Value creation [as a goal]

Colloquially, a blue attitude can also simply be described as reasonable. In English, the adjective "sound" is used for this.

Deviating from the "mainstream" and further developing what already exists is for The Blue - in analogy to jazz music - the source of innovation and inspiration. 

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